What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is an overarching term referring to techniques that release misaligned energy in the body and restore it to natural flow. Energy healing works with the body’s relationship and response to energetic fields and various forms of energy.

While all living things are made of physical matter, they also have a corresponding biofield of energy. This biofield interacts with the biofield of energy in its surroundings, which—for us as humans—means other living things, the environment, and even the information we pick up. Everything we know to be in our world—from living beings to physical matter, from emotions to old memories—is made of energy. At its most basic level, energy is information that moves. 

Energy healing is a process of addressing areas within yourself and in your life that are out of alignment with your highest good. At a fundamental level, we all have the ability to operate at optimum capacity. When your energy is strong, you are thriving, you are healthy, and you feel a strong and consistent sense of well-being. However, life throws a variety of challenges that can affect you on an underlying, energetic level. 

What are the benefits of energy healing?

Energy healing is most often used to help people see an improvement of or complete healing from their ailment. Additionally, energy healing has many more applications than just health. Energy healing can be used in any context, whether emotional, physical, or financial. Energy healing can benefit animals, plants, or even situations you would like to improve. 

Not only can energy healing lead to significant improvement in symptoms, it has the power to be truly transformational. The process of releasing energy improves a client’s overall well-being, and this is likely to benefit multiple areas in their life. Additionally, the stuck energy may have been causing tremendous stagnation, lethargy, limiting beliefs, or may be blocking something from manifesting. When this energy is released, the client comes to realize the inner wealth that had been hidden underneath.

...stuck energy may have been causing tremendous stagnation, lethargy, limiting beliefs, or may be blocking something from manifesting. When this energy is released, the client comes to realize the inner wealth that had been hidden underneath.
— Hillary Bassett Ross

What types of energy healing exist?

There are many different modalities of energy healing. While the style or approach can be unique, all work with the same concept: shifting the energy field to bring the body into alignment. Some of the different names for energy healing include:

  • Energy medicine

  • Chakra healing

  • Vibrational medicine

  • Biofield healing

Some commonly practiced approaches to energy healing include:

  • Reiki

  • ThetaHealing®

  • Qigong

  • Pranic Healing

  • Homeopathy

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How does energy healing work?

Energy healing occurs by bringing a healthy energy to something that you’re intending to shift or transform. The body organizes energy through fields, bodies, chakras, and channels. An energy healing session often works to increase the flow and connection of healthy energy through the body, helping the body return to its optimal state throughout the energetic fields, bodies, channels, and chakras. 

The process can take a variety of forms. An energy healing practitioner can use his or her hands to guide the flow of energy—either touching the client, or not—or the energy healing practitioner can work through intuitive insight, moving energy through thought and intention. Sometimes elements such as tones, frequencies, crystals, or stones are used to further aid in getting the body to realign. 

Some modalities such as Reiki are focused on moving energy alone, whereas others elicit concrete details by way of visions and scenes from the client’s life to help understand what generated the energetic stagnation. 

Every type of energy healing is unique, and it is very common for each individual to have unique preferences and responses to each type. As with most things, the journey of working with energy healing is about finding what’s right for you.

Why do we need energy healing?

When our energy is in alignment and balance, we find ourselves living in a state of total empowerment, joy, and vitality.

Stress, challenges, or trauma can alter your energy. Quite commonly, these situations generate an energetic charge that often gets stuck, creating a disruption to your energy—and often causing a cascading effect of other challenges.

Energy healing helps identify anything that feels out of alignment and helps facilitate its release, returning the body to a state of balance and well-being.

While our culture has been slow to embrace the merits of energy healing, this wisdom has been practiced for millenia. We now live in a time where science is catching up to the presence and impact of subtle energies and just how deeply our lives depend upon the healthy flow of energy.

Why does energy healing work?

Energy healing works because we’re working with the “source code” of a situation. This is possible because everything is made of energy. As soon as the undesired energy has been released, your body can find its way back to balance. 

What happens in an energy healing session?

An energy healing session often includes time for the client to discuss the current challenges or symptoms with the healing practitioner. From there, the healing practitioner can begin treatment. Depending upon the type of modalities of energy healing the practitioner chooses to use, the client often receives treatment without being touched by the practitioner. 

The client is often lying down in a restful position, and will often have sensations of deep relaxation or a meditative state. Areas that are receiving treatment may feel warm or slightly tingly. The body has many ways of releasing energy, and it is often unique to each individual. A client might notice muscles lightly contracting, or a shift in breathing patterns. Energy healing clients might feel sensations of density in certain areas of the body being lifted out or removed.

After the session, clients often report feeling lighter, calmer, more clear, and it’s common to “forget” what the original issue was. It is very common to see an improvement in symptoms within hours, but it’s equally common for results to show up sporadically over the coming weeks and months. This can often be described as surprise, positive events or shifts seeming to “drop in” to your reality, or feeling like a sudden wave of vitality, well-being, joy, or deep inner calm.

Why is it possible to do energy healing at a distance?

Energy healing works with subtle energies, which operate differently than physical energies with mass. These subtle energies are quantum in nature, which means they don’t operate with the same rules classical physics described. Instead, we now know that quantum physics is a better description of the world we’re in, and its rules are well beyond our comprehension. In a quantum world, time and space are no limitation. This means energy healing can be performed from any location, and from any time. 

What types of challenges can be addressed with energy healing?

There is little that energy healing *can’t* improve. Energy healing touches not only our bodies, but our emotions, and our physical reality as a whole. The breadth and depth of the improvements brought about through energy healing are possible because we’re working with what’s underlying everything: energy. 

Energy healing is great for specific concerns within your physical or emotional well-being, and it is incredibly transformative against issues around trauma. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed with life or are hoping to see shifts with a specific concern in your life, energy healing is a powerful tool to begin seeing progress.

Energy healing treatment isn’t meant to replace the guidance and care of licensed medical professionals. However, it can be a powerful tool to help you move toward healing and release of challenges related to:

  • Stress and overwhelm

  • Fatigue, malaise, or burnout

  • Chronic patterns

  • Anxiety

  • Stuck emotion

  • Inability to relax

  • Inability to manifest

  • Emotional challenges or triggers

  • Symptoms from physical ailments

  • Trauma

Energy healing is also a powerful tool for children, animals, or even challenging situations.

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How will I know if energy healing will work for me?

As a client receiving energy healing, your mindset makes a tremendous difference in your ability to receive the fullest benefit of energy healing.

As a client, your receptivity to energy healing plays a significant role. Whether people realize it or not, feeling guarded, skeptical, suspicious, fearful, or anxious creates resistance. While clients experiencing these sensations will still receive benefit, the results will often be lower. However, those who are open-minded and curious about how energy healing can help are more able to receive the full power of the energy healing session, and thus the strongest result. 

How can I receive energy healing?

If you’d like to experience the transformational effects of energy healing, I invite you to book a session in my energy healing practice. As an energy healing practitioner, I use a combination of Reiki, ThetaHealing®, and my own intuitive practice to help you release anything in the way of experiencing total health, vitality, success, joy, and well-being.

Learn more about energy healing with Hillary Bassett Ross > 

Hillary Bassett Ross